From 1 – 9 October, Kikker will play outside on three different playgrounds in Utrecht city. Public spaces where we’ll play for you! You can either visit the playgrounds or discover them by chance. Anyway, it will be a surprising encounter for sure. Here you’ll find more information about the KikkerKontainer (literally translated: Frog Container) at Stadhuisplein. The other two KikkerKontainers can be found at Hoge Woerdplein and Janskerkhof. The containers can be visited for free.
A plastic world is created in front of you, then taken apart, melted and eaten: the creative process is the work. Plastic remnants accumulate in the space with every performance: waste or potential? Through the creation of new plastics and through interactions with the plastics already in the space, the space is continually altered and a new space is created. A site for experimentation and a site for questions to be asked. We may think we know what plastic is, but through creating my own alternative plastics I ask; what is Plastic and what can it be?
Muireann Nic an Bheatha is an interdisciplinary artist born in Ireland and based in The Hague. She works across installation, performance and sculpture. Material exploration and audience participation are key elements to her practice, where she sculpts environments that can not only be observed, but also entered, with audience engagement being a key part of, and often creating, the work itself. Her most recent work has been exploring our relationship with plastics as a material and also as a concept.
1 oct - start: 14h00, 16h00, 18h00
2 oct - start: 12h00, 16h00, 18h00, 20h00
3 oct - start: 14h00, 16h00, 18h00

What You See Festival presents: Eva Arends en Senna Pauli - Hairy
Body hair is often seen as dirty or unnatural. Especially for cis-women or people with a feminine gender expression. In a shop window in the city centre, where mannequins normally appear clean-shaven, you come across a living mannequin that does not comply with the norm. Seated in the ultimate 1950s dressing room, complete with all the necessary beauty products for a desirable appearance, a woman gets ready. She combs her hair. With HAIRY, writer and performer Senna Pauli and designer Eva Arends question the prevailing gender norm and search for beauty in the extreme.
7 oct - start: 19h00, 20h00
8 oct - start:14h30, 20h00
9 oct - start: 12h00, 15h00