Soa Ratsifandrihana & Shishani

What You See: Opening Night 2024

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gender & identiteit
Lara Gasparotto
Opening Night 2024

What is your groove? And what happens when you let that feeling out? French-Malagasy choreographer Soa Ratsifandrihana opens What You See with the dance solo g r oo v e. She draws on her childhood memories, in which she and her family boldly indulged in the sounds of their favorite songs. This sense of freedom flows throughout the whole performance. In dialogue with the electronic music of Sylvain Darrifourcq and hip-hop composer Alben Murenzi, Soa searches for the soul of her inner rhythm. Through intimate self-embrace, she builds up the tension and invites you to discover your own rhythm.

After this empowering performance, gentle warrior Shishani, together with their pianist and a string quartet, shares songs from their new album Whispers. Through a graceful mix of depth and closeness, Shishani takes you on their personal journey inwards in learning how to listen to your inner voice.


Before the the evening breaks loose you can experience touch as an art form in the the one-to-one performance Fetish Black Box, wonder around the beautiful pictures of On Hold and support the waiting time for gender care through embroidering in Our Exquisite Corps. 

Afterwards, you can share your experience of the evening with performance artist fay in the artistic confessional Tell Me What You Really Really Really Think.


g r oo v e
choreografie, interpretatie: Soa Ratsifandrihana | muziek: Alban Murenzi, Sylvain Darrifourcq | lichtontwerp: Marie-Christine Soma | lichttechnicus: Suzanna Bauer | kostuumontwerp: Coco Petitpierre | kledingmaker: Anne Tesson | geluidstechnicus: Guilhem Angot | archieven: Valérianne Poidevin | outside eye: Valérianne Poidevin, Thi-Mai Nguyen | stagiair: Mylène Monjour | geproduceerd en gedistribueerd door AMA – ARTS Management Agency – France Morin, Cécile Perrichon, Anna Six | met steun van: Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la Danse | ondersteuning: CNDC – Angers, Pointculture, Iles asbl, GC De Kriekelaar, Fabbrica Europa, PARC Performing Arts Research Centre, Kaaitheater, le Centre national de la Danse | foto: Lara Gasparotto


zang/gitaar: Shishani | toetsen: Julian Bohn | strijkkwartet: Lonneke van Straalen, Renée Timmer, Jeffrey Bruinsma, Liselotte Blomaard

do 14 november
Grote Zaal
do 14 november
Specials & festivals, Language no problem

Over What You See Festival

Met dans, theater, muziek, workshop, dialoog en feestjes toont dit internationale en multidisciplinaire kunstenfestival uiteenlopende perspectieven op indentiteit. Positief, activistisch én verbindend. Want Art can change the world! 

Theater Kikker is al vanaf de start het kloppende festivalhart van dit festival. Er is ook programma in Stadsschouwburg Utrecht, Het Huis Utrecht, Poppodium EKKO en Bibliotheek Utrecht.

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