
into the Blue

Installatie, Language no problem, Performance
out of the (black)box
into the Blue

into the Blue

Installatie, Language no problem, Performance
out of the (black)box
into the Blue

Ellipsis studies the creation of narratives by experimenting with the composition of objects. How you can create new realities with a variety of materials and shapes (such as glass bottles, paper, tubes) and discover them through time, light and sound.

Based on these thoughts, they construct the diorama Into the Blue, their first performance build for the theatre room and in which the bodies of performers will be part of this created world. Within the composition they create a different reality where narrative evolves through movement of these materials. Let yourself float away with your own imagination. 

A long time ago, the towers sank. Nobody remembers how it was before it happened and no one rebuild them. Now the towers are in the middle of the blue. We can see them shine during the nights, in the light of the two moons. 

It has been said that sometimes a light flickers in the deep. What could that be? Come and use your senses to explore what is happening under the surface. Sit inside our diorama and see how the performative landscape comes alive.

Scenography - Aina Roca Mora, Cecilia Berghäll en Elsa van der Linden Light Design - Nick Herman 
With Special thanks to Rogier Hornman for his dramaturgical advice.

About Ellipsis

Ellipsis studies the creation of narratives by experimenting with the composition of objects. How you can create new realities with a variety of materials and shapes (such as glass bottles, paper, tubes) and discover them through time, light and sound. Based on these thoughts, they construct a diorama. Within the composition they create a different reality where narrative evolves through movement of these materials. Let yourself, as an observer, float away with your own imagination.

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