Body of Art

inleiding bij Yellow Horizon

Installatie, Language no problem
mind over matter out of the (black)box
Loet Koreman
inleiding bij Yellow Horizon
Body of Art

inleiding bij Yellow Horizon

Installatie, Language no problem
mind over matter out of the (black)box
Loet Koreman
inleiding bij Yellow Horizon
Body of Art

inleiding bij Yellow Horizon

Installatie, Language no problem
mind over matter out of the (black)box
Loet Koreman
inleiding bij Yellow Horizon
Body of Art

inleiding bij Yellow Horizon

Installatie, Language no problem
mind over matter out of the (black)box
Loet Koreman
inleiding bij Yellow Horizon

Yellow Horizon is a sensory theatre experience. Physically disorienting, resembling a ritual, an opportunity to sharpen your senses and discover a new sensitivity, a new horizon. In collaboration with Theun Mosk – Ruimtetijd.

We experience the world through our senses: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and hands. Each of us has our own set, forming our own variant of the same world. How we perceive the world, in turn, shapes our identity. How do we relate to our environment? And how does that environment change us?

For “Yellow Horizon,” choreographer and philosopher Annemijn Rijk, in collaboration with scenographer Theun Mosk, explored the principles of spatial, sensory, and physical disorientation. Yellow Horizon is not a traditional performance but an experience, a ritual, that makes your senses tremble. Everything comes straight to you. By playing with light and darkness, breath and perspective, the theater hall is being transformed. This sharpens your senses, and you perceive the world differently than you’re accustomed to. Dancer Noemi Calzavara, mime player Niels van Heijningen, and actress Sofie Porro are your guides in this free fall.

We delve deep within, not by deep thinking, but by momentarily setting aside the usual way we understand, interpret, or appropriate the world. What remains when reason fades away, and only the body remains? Yellow Horizon shakes up our senses and, in doing so, our idea of ourselves. Deep within, there is a whole new world to discover, a new horizon.

Be aware: A part of Yellow Horizon takes place in absolute darkness

vr 06 december
Foyer Kikker
Vanaf € 1,00
vr 06 december
Installatie, Language no problem
Vanaf € 1,00
vr 06 december
Grote Zaal
Van € 9,00 tot € 18,00
vr 06 december
Installatie, Language no problem
Van € 9,00 tot € 18,00

Over Annemijn Rijk

Annemijn Rijk (1993) is choreograaf en filosoof. Met haar platform Body of Art maakt ze zintuiglijke, experimentele producties die onze status quo in vraag stellen en het publiek terugbrengen naar de kern van ons mens-zijn. Ze onderzoekt en bevraagt hoe we via het lichaam en de waarneming ons tot de wereld om ons heen verhouden.

Meer over Annemijn Rijk

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