Maxime Dreesen

Kikker Stelt Voor: PEEKABOO

Theater, Language no problem, Performance
gender & identiteit let the body talk
Olympe Tits
Maxime Dreesen

Kikker Stelt Voor: PEEKABOO

Theater, Language no problem, Performance
gender & identiteit let the body talk
Olympe Tits
Maxime Dreesen

Kikker Stelt Voor: PEEKABOO

Theater, Language no problem, Performance
gender & identiteit let the body talk
Olympe Tits
Maxime Dreesen

Kikker Stelt Voor: PEEKABOO

Theater, Language no problem, Performance
gender & identiteit let the body talk
Olympe Tits

What would your life look like if you could re-examine your sexuality in public space?

PEEKABOO is a vision of a world transformed into a sex playground. This universe depicts new ways of contact through ‘cruising’: seeking fleeting, sexual contacts in the open air. Theatre maker Maxime Dreesen approaches this phenomenon as getting lost in a web of experimental relationships and unexpected encounters.

Music, hypnosis, drag, text and dance come together in this performance. You meet numerous entities such as shapeshifter Couenne, mating bird Courtney, superstar Birame, Julia the hypnotist in the sky, Benne on the keys and Tabooboo. They collide and drip, search and hide, sing and laugh in a scenography of touche-touche that is as lively and sexual as the characters themselves. Each in search of their own personal idea of ​​pleasure.

Curiosity and excitement are the common threads of this story, which brings together kinky comedy, campy musical songs and intimate ASMR in a dreamy, teletubby-esque landscape.

There is no revolution, without a sexual revolution!


concept and directing - Maxime Dreesen by and with Drag Couenne/Adrien De Biasi, Courtney May Robertson & Birame text - Oscar Mathieu Le Bussy music - Benne Dousselaere hypnosis - Julia E. Dyck dramaturgy - Hannah Brugge scenography and light - touche–touche (Théo Demans) costume - Maximilian Rittler graphic design - Yanis Berrewaerts videography - Charles Dhondt technics - Mathijs Geraerts production management - Marie Dejonghe production - Tabooboo vzw coproduction - De Nieuwe Vorst & De Studio with the support of - de Vlaamse overheid, Fonds Podiumkunsten, Fonds 21 & PLAN Brabant with thanks to - Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe, Julie Cafmeyer, Verkadefabriek, Het Zuidelijk Toneel & Studio Carwash 

di 08 april
Grote Zaal
Van € 9,00 tot € 18,00
di 08 april
Theater, Language no problem, Performance
Van € 9,00 tot € 18,00

Over Maxime Dreesen

Maxime Dreesen (b. 1996) is een Belgische theatermaker die bekendstaat om grensverleggende verkenningen van seksualiteit, intimiteit en queer toekomsten. Met humor, sensualiteit en provocatie daagt Dreesen maatschappelijke normen uit en creëert ruimte voor collectieve bevrijding. Dreesens alter ego, Tabooboo, onderzoekt de wisselwerking tussen het absurde en het erotische. De recente productie Peekaboo (2025) werd geprezen voor de speelse en radicale benadering van cruisingcultuur.

Meer over Maxime Dreesen

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