TG Dender

Lente-Uitjes: Bliep Bliep 5+

Jeugd, Language no problem
Joep van Aert
Bliep Bliep 5+
TG Dender

Lente-Uitjes: Bliep Bliep 5+

Jeugd, Language no problem
Joep van Aert
Bliep Bliep 5+
TG Dender

Lente-Uitjes: Bliep Bliep 5+

Jeugd, Language no problem
Joep van Aert
Bliep Bliep 5+

A robot that does everything for you....

Before you know what you want, the robot already knows it. The crossword is already completed before you start. Your mother already has a flower before you even thought of it. Your shoes are already tied, your hair combed, your teeth brushed, room tidied, laundry done…..

Time to switch him off, but where is the stop button! 

With physical comedy, live drawings and live music, an intriguing story comes to life about a man and his robot. What begins as a fairytale turns into a power struggle between man and machine. With this cartoontheater performance, Dender Cartoontheater paints an eerie picture of the future. Bleep Bleep! is for anyone with imagination, from 5 years old.

Spel - Jasper van der Heijden en Ronald Wolthuis Muziek - Thanos Fotiadis Vormgeving - Timo Arling

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