What is your personal protest?
Through movement, writing and spoken word, this workshop takes you deep into the core of what you want to fight for, further exploring multiple perspectives on your topic of choice. The How to Protest workshop unravels different and unexpected ways of protesting. Check the weather, because you'll be actually taking to the streets for a moment.
On Saturday 19 November you can also participate in Agnietė's performance Hands Up.
workshop - Agnietė Lisičkinaitė
About What You See
Questioning, disrupting and disturbing bodies. Bodies that take the streets, chain themselves to trees, and throw their fists in the air. Bodies that embrace, love strangers and bravely dismantle resistance. MY BODY, MY PROTEST is the motto through which artists use their bodies to reclaim space and open up new possible worlds for themselves and their audiences. Positively activist, inviting and connecting. Welcome!