Call & Response
Workshop instant composition
This workshop is given in English.
We warmly invite movers, musicians, dancers and performers to join a workshop on Instant Composition with a dance artist Polina Fenko. During this 1,5-hour workshop, you’ll explore methods for composing together in the present moment!
Instant composition is a practice of group improvisation based on listening and collective awareness which offers interdisciplinary compositional and improvisatory methods of working/ creating. In the workshop we will work with our perception of space and time, will practice embodied listening and play with each other in a performative space while composing together in real-time!
The workshop is in preparation for the Call & Response Jam event later that evening in the kleine zaal of Theater Kikker.
Call & Response creates a space for improvisation artists, dancers as well as musicians to come together and create small performances.
About workshop facilitator Polina Fenko
Polina Fenko is a dance artist, performer and dance dramaturg. In her artistic practice she works with instant composition as both research practice and creational method. As a facilitator and researcher she organizes interdisciplinary movement-oriented laboratories that create space for collective production of knowledge, such as On Combat Breathing (W139), On Microperception (4bid gallery), Microurbanism and Microchoreography (Studio 4413, Saint-Petersburg) to mention just a few. Her personal movement practices vary from somatics to aikido, from gaga to contact improvisation. Last year she graduated MA Contemporary Theatre, Dance and Dramaturgy from Utrecht University.