Call & Response

Workshop instant composition

Dans, Language no problem, Performance
let the body talk
Workshop instant composition

This workshop is given in English.

We warmly invite movers, musicians, dancers and performers to join a workshop on Instant Composition with a dance artist  Polina Fenko. During this 1,5-hour workshop, you’ll explore methods for composing together in the present moment!

Instant composition is a practice of group improvisation based on listening and collective awareness which offers interdisciplinary compositional and improvisatory methods of working/ creating. In the workshop we will work with our perception of space and time, will practice embodied listening and play with each other in a performative space while composing together in real-time!

The workshop is in preparation for the Call & Response Jam event later that evening in the kleine zaal of Theater Kikker.

Call & Response creates a space for improvisation artists, dancers as well as musicians to come together and create small performances.

About workshop facilitator Polina Fenko

Polina Fenko is a dance artist, performer and dance dramaturg. In her artistic practice she works with instant composition as both research practice and creational method. As a facilitator and researcher she organizes interdisciplinary movement-oriented laboratories that create space for collective production of knowledge, such as On Combat Breathing (W139), On Microperception (4bid gallery), Microurbanism and Microchoreography (Studio 4413, Saint-Petersburg) to mention just a few. Her personal  movement practices vary from somatics to aikido, from gaga to contact improvisation.  Last year she graduated MA Contemporary Theatre, Dance and Dramaturgy from Utrecht University.

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