Nastaran Razawi Khorasani / Theater Rotterdam

Kikker Kiest: This is not a dance

Theater, Performance, Language no problem
let the body talk wij en de wereld
Sanja Marusic
This is not a dance
Nastaran Razawi Khorasani / Theater Rotterdam

Kikker Kiest: This is not a dance

Theater, Performance, Language no problem
let the body talk wij en de wereld
Bas de Brouwer
This is not a dance
Nastaran Razawi Khorasani / Theater Rotterdam

Kikker Kiest: This is not a dance

Theater, Performance, Language no problem
let the body talk wij en de wereld
Bas de Brouwer
This is not a dance
Nastaran Razawi Khorasani / Theater Rotterdam

Kikker Kiest: This is not a dance

Theater, Performance, Language no problem
let the body talk wij en de wereld
Bas de Brouwer
This is not a dance

How to dance when dancing is banned?

In Iran, dancing has been officially prohibited since the start of the Islamitic Revolution. All dance companies have been forced to cease their activities. Many dancers and choreographers have fled abroad. Those who still live there have to be very resourceful. How are they keeping their art form alive? Theatre maker Nastaran Razawi Khorasani presents This is not a dance, a dance performance that deals with censorship. What can be shown, what must remain hidden? As the music and lights build towards a frenzy, Nastaran attempts to keep her dancing body in check. 

In This is not a dance, Nastaran brings the voices of choreographers and dancers living in Iran to the stage. How are they dealing with the ban on dance? How do they practice their profession, what dangers do they face, what freedoms are they fighting for? This is not a dance is a tribute to the body that wants to move. A tribute to art that simply must be made, in whatever way, shape or form.  

This show is spoken in Farsi. There are Dutch, English and Farsi surtitles.
Pay attention: This is not a dance uses stroboscopic light effects.

di 17 september
Grote Zaal
Van € 10,50 tot € 21,00
di 17 september
Theater, Performance, Language no problem
Van € 10,50 tot € 21,00

Over Nastaran Razawi Khorazani

Nastaran Razawi Khorasani is afgestudeerd aan de Toneelacademie Maastricht. In 2014 won ze de Gouden Krekel voor de meest indrukwekkende podiumprestatie. In 2020 werd ze genomineerd voor de Prijs van de Nederlandse Dansdagen Jong Publiek. Haar voorstelling Songs for no one ontving tweemaal de BNG Bank Theaterprijs (2020 en 2021) en werd geselecteerd voor Het TheaterFestival Vlaanderen 2022 en staat in 2023 op Theater der Welt in Frankfurt-Offenbach. Samen met Davy Pieters is ze onderdeel van het makersduo Kobe, dat performances en documentaires ontwikkelt voor de meest uiteenlopende contexten. 

Meer over Nastaran Razawi Khorazani

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