Poernima Dance Company


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let the body talk mind over matter
Poernima Dance Company


Dans, Language no problem
let the body talk mind over matter
Poernima Dance Company


Dans, Language no problem
let the body talk mind over matter
Poernima Dance Company


Dans, Language no problem
let the body talk mind over matter

She moves, she is still. She is far, she is close. She is in everything, she is without everything. - Isha Upanishad

In STRĪ choreographer Poernima Gobardhan shares indescribable woman.The only way to introduce her to you is by naming what she is nog. She is scentless, formless, silent and above all eternal. Would you like to meet her? With the classical dance form Bharata Natyam as a starting point, Gobardhan and her dancers enable you to enter into this encounter. A dance performance with an impressive soundscape, penetrating movements and an exceptional interplay between space and dancers.


Productie Poernima Gobardhan & Korzo | Choreografie Poernima Gobardhan | Dans Chandenie Gobardhan , Poernima Gobardhan en Sandhya Suresh | Regie Leo Spreksel | Muziek Jorg Schellekens en Vidwan SV Giridhar | Lichtontwerp Albert Tulling | Kostuum Jivika Biervliet | Foto Camilla Greenwell | With gratitude to Fonds Podiumkunsten, Gemeente Den Haag

vr 16 mei
Grote Zaal
Van € 9,00 tot € 18,00
vr 16 mei
Dans, Language no problem
Van € 9,00 tot € 18,00

Over Poernima Gobardhan

Choreografe Poernima Gobardhan staat bekend om haar verbindende karakter en intieme voor­stel­lingen. Ze is in staat eeuwenoude verhalen en onderwerpen om te zetten tot een chore­o­grafie die ook vandaag de dag nog stand houdt. Haar passie is Bharata Natyam, een klassieke dansvorm die ze heeft omgezet tot iets hedendaags. 

Meer over Poernima Gobardhan

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