Soula Notos/Theater Kikker
Soula's Storytelling Nights: True Love

Soula Notos/Theater Kikker
Soula's Storytelling Nights: True Love

Soula Notos/Theater Kikker
Soula's Storytelling Nights: True Love

Soula Notos/Theater Kikker
Soula's Storytelling Nights: True Love

Soula's Storytelling Night is Engelstalig.
Een avond vol verhalen van professionele storytellers en getalenteerde nieuwkomers. Deze editie staat in het teken van True Love.
Grappige, verdrietige, spannende, lieve, ongelooflijke, troostende verhalen: dat is waar Soula's Storytelling Nights om draait. Voel je thuis en luister naar verhalen van over de hele wereld!
Kom dinsdag 13 februari luisteren naar ervaren verhalenvertellers en getalenteerde nieuwkomers die hun verhaal vertellen. Waargebeurde verhalen over gekke families, vreselijke dates, mythen, volksverhalen of nieuw geschreven verhalen. En als de inspiratie toeslaat, wordt het publiek uitgenodigd om hun naam in een hoed te stoppen. Aan het einde van de avond worden twee namen willekeurig gekozen en mogen de gelukkigen hun verhaal delen. Alles kan zolang de verhalen maar verteld worden en niet van papier worden voorgelezen.
Vier keer per jaar host Soula Notos deze storytellingavond in Theater Kikker. De volgende editie is op 16 april.
Sinéad is an Irish theatre maker, storyteller & dramaturg. She mixes personal stories with magical myths & folklore from her culture. Sinéad believes that everyone has a story worth sharing and enjoys helping others find their voice. You will find her wandering across Europe and the UK, sharing stories and mildly traumatising people with her dark humour. Find out more at

Bipin Upadhyay
As a toddler in India, Bipin was introduced to the nitty-gritty of communication through stories with allegories, metaphors, and tropes. Now that he is all grown up and what not, he struggles to have a simple conversation without delving into long, self-indulgent stories. Thankfully, he has friends who invite him to cook up stories and perform them to unsuspecting audiences.
Photo: Alborz Sahebdivani

Roxana Gavrilut
Curiosity, laughter and a tremendous hunger for deeper understanding and connection are the driving forces behind Roxana’s existence. She likes facilitating spaces for all humans that are in search of meaningful discoveries. She shapes these experiences using the arts of storytelling, theatre improvisation, creative writing and other creative and crafty endeavours. Roxana enjoys inviting people out of their comfort zone into the learning zone where the magic happens, where there is always the possibility of accessing a part of ourselves we thought does not exist.

Utrecht based Rian Evers is a troubadour, songwriter, composer, singer and musician.For over ten years she has been writing songs, composing music and performing. Now, in collaboration with other musicians she performs under the name of Reversed and is working on their first work a double-debut-EP called Headstrong. More info.