Soula Notos/Theater Kikker
Soula's Storytelling Nights: Queer Stories

Soula Notos/Theater Kikker
Soula's Storytelling Nights: Queer Stories

Soula Notos/Theater Kikker
Soula's Storytelling Nights: Queer Stories

Soula Notos/Theater Kikker
Soula's Storytelling Nights: Queer Stories

Soula's Storytelling Night is Engelstalig.
Een avond vol verhalen van professionele storytellers en getalenteerde nieuwkomers. Het thema van deze editie: queer stories. In het kader van het Utrecht Queer Culture Festival dat van 6 t/m 14 oktober plaatsvindt.
Grappige, verdrietige, spannende, lieve, ongelooflijke, troostende verhalen: dat is waar Soula's Storytelling Nights om draait. Voel je thuis en luister naar verhalen van over de hele wereld!
Kom luisteren naar ervaren verhalenvertellers en getalenteerde nieuwkomers die hun verhaal vertellen. Waargebeurde verhalen over gekke families, vreselijke dates, mythen, volksverhalen of nieuw geschreven verhalen. En als de inspiratie toeslaat, wordt het publiek uitgenodigd om hun naam in een hoed te stoppen. Aan het einde van de avond worden twee namen willekeurig gekozen en mogen de gelukkigen hun verhaal delen. Alles kan, zolang de verhalen maar verteld worden en niet van papier worden voorgelezen.
Vier keer per jaar host Soula Notos deze storytellingavond in Theater Kikker. De komende edities zijn op 19 december, 13 februari en 16 april.
Utrecht based Rian Evers is a troubadour, songwriter, composer, singer and musician.For over ten years she has been writing songs, composing music and performing. Now, in collaboration with other musicians she performs under the name of Reversed and is working on their first work a double-debut-EP called Headstrong. More info.

Asli Yelkenci
Asli was raised in Turkey, and has been living in the Netherlands for the past six years. They regularly get the reaction “you don't look Turkish”, but apparently they do look like a lesbian all over the world. Does their best to convey queer stories to make people (even straight people) think and laugh at the same time.

Meysam Kisomi
Meysam Kisomi is an actor and theatre maker from Tehran, Iran. He started acting in Iran when he was 15 years of age in theatre and short films. He is currently based in Amsterdam. His migration gave him an unique perspective on the different lives we live, from cultural differences to those related to human rights. Being able to talk about these issues has fuelled his work as a storyteller. Since then, he has moved to theatre making as well, performing at The international Storytelling Festival Amsterdam, The Amsterdam Fringe Festival and Oerol Festival.

Miky Burch
Miky Burch is a comedian and writer from Detroit. Her goofy, expressive and vulgar style of comedy will catch your attention and have you laughing your ass off over this twisted existence we call life. She has performed all over Europe, the US and Canada and is the founder of the Cunnilingus Show, a monthly queer comedy game show held at Boom Chicago in Amsterdam. The personal stories she tells are funny, sometimes painful, but always enchanting.