Soula Notos ism Theater Kikker

Soula's Storytelling Nights

Theater, Language no problem
persoonlijk uit eigen stad wij en de wereld
Anna Kooij
Soula's Storytelling Nights

Funny, sad, scary, sweet, unbelievable, comforting stories: that's what Soula's Storytelling Nights are all about. Make yourself at home and listen to stories from all over the word!  

So on Tuesday October 1th come and listen to experienced storytellers and talented newcomers tell their tales. And if inspiration strikes, audience-members are invited to put their name in a hat. At the end of the night two names will be picked at random and these two lucky birds will get to share their story. True stories about crazy families, horrible dates, myths, folk tales, newly written stories: anything goes as long as the stories are told and not read from paper.

After four beautiful and personal storytelling evenings in season 23-24, Soula and Theater Kikker will also present four editions in the new theater season. Soula welcomes you on October 1, December 17, February 11 and April 15. 

Soula's Storytelling Nights is in English.

di 01 oktober
Kleine Zaal
Van € 7,50 tot € 15,00
di 01 oktober
Theater, Language no problem
Van € 7,50 tot € 15,00

Over Soula Notos

Soula Notos is een Nederlands-Griekse theatermaker en performer uit Utrecht met ervaring op het gebied van storytelling, spoken word, comedy en acteren. Ze maakte de solovoorstelling “Wie ben je als niemand kijkt?” en trad daarmee op op verschillende storytellingfestivals (in Oslo, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Praag en London) en ook op Oerol en Festival Boulevard. Ze probeert te verbinden, te veranderen, mensen te laten lachen en zichtbaar te maken wat tot dan toe onzichtbaar bleef. Meer info:

Meer over Soula Notos

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