Amos Ben Tal/OFF Projects

Songs and Silences

Performance, Dans, Performance
let the body talk out of the (black)box mind over matter
Songs and Silences
Amos Ben Tal/OFF Projects

Songs and Silences

Performance, Dans, Performance
let the body talk out of the (black)box mind over matter
Songs and Silences
Amos Ben Tal/OFF Projects

Songs and Silences

Performance, Dans, Performance
let the body talk out of the (black)box mind over matter
Songs and Silences
Amos Ben Tal/OFF Projects

Songs and Silences

Performance, Dans, Performance
let the body talk out of the (black)box mind over matter
Songs and Silences

Experience your own unique version of this hypnotic mosaic of poems, dance and live music.

In Songs And Silences dance, music and text take you into an experience in which different senses are addressed and stimulated. Songs And Silences is not a usual full-length dance performance, it is an evening consisting of a number of shorter works. For three hours, the eight performers repeat a series of dance solos, poems and guitar works (performed live by Amos), creating a hypnotic mosaic. When you buy a ticket, you choose your start time. How long you stay is up to you (we recommend a visit of at least 45-60 minutes). In this way, each visitor creates their own unique experience. Both personally and together. Songs and Silences invites you to embark on a journey with yourself, other audience members and the artists in search of new perspectives.

choreografie, muziek, tekst - Amos Ben-Tal artistiek advies - Yvan Dubreuil dans - Alex Blondeau, Luca Cacitti, Wolf Govaerts, Xanthe van Opstal, Adam Khazhmuradov, Aurélie Cayla en Milena Twiehaus actrice - Annabelle Hinam licht - Xavier van Wersch zakelijk management - Lobke Nabuurs productie - Agnese Rosati

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