Sandra Kramerová is a Slovak dance artist based in Madrid. Sandra holds an MFA in Dance from Sarah Lawrence College in NY (2016) and has received support from Fonds Podiumkunsten in the Netherlands as Emerging Artist (2021-2023). Her dances 'Dictatorship of love' (2022) and 'Majka' (2021) have toured internationally and her dance solo ‘Body as a Weapon’ was listed among 5 best performances of 2020 by Het Parool. Prior to joining the dance program of Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company in Israel (2010), Sandra graduated in Choreography from The Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (2009). Sandra’s works have been presented at CC Amstel, Frascati, Dansmakers, Schuur, Theater Kikker, Concordia, Parktheater in Eindhoven and Wannekerpand in The Netherlands, Dixon Place, BAM Fisher, Danspace Project and Bohemian National Hall in New York, Nu dance fest and Malý Berlin in Slovakia and Teatro Lagrada, La Usina and DT Espacio Escénico in Spain.