Yung-Tuan Ku I Frisse Oren

Uk&Puk Festival: Luna 3+

Jeugd, Language no problem
Moon Saris
Luna 3+
Yung-Tuan Ku I Frisse Oren

Uk&Puk Festival: Luna 3+

Jeugd, Language no problem
Moon Saris
Luna 3+
Yung-Tuan Ku I Frisse Oren

Uk&Puk Festival: Luna 3+

Jeugd, Language no problem
Moon Saris
Luna 3+
Yung-Tuan Ku I Frisse Oren

Uk&Puk Festival: Luna 3+

Jeugd, Language no problem
Moon Saris
Luna 3+

Nothing is so magically attractive as the moon. People from every country from all corners of the world sing its praises, ascribe powers to it, worship it as a goddess or see it as a friend with an amiable face who always comes back. What wouldn’t we give to see what it’s like? Does anyone live there? Can you hear anything there?

In Luna, Yung-Tuan brings the moon closer to us. She inventively creates her own moon landscape with a big drum, a lamp and projection and we finally discover what those dark patches there are, who is creeping around there and what’s rummaging and rustling about. Luna is a wordless, percussion performance in whichlive music and magical projections conjure up the scene.

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