Josse Vessies / Nobody's Company

Extra Physical

Dans, Language no problem
let the body talk mind over matter
Extra Physical

In Extra Physical, three dancers present an ethereal ode to the out-of-body experience. They challenge the prevailing mechanistic worldview in which logic displaces other forms of 'knowing.' 

Moving between states of ecstasy and skepticism, their bodies take control. They defy gravity with floating objects and intense choreography. Falling and floating, the dancers throw themselves between heaven and earth in tableaus that feel like a kind of neo-punk Renaissance art: otherworldly bodies with a rebellious spirit.

Extra-Physical is a performance about the inevitable, the 'beyond-the-body' experience. It explores how indescribable experiences, ecstasies, and trips help shape our worldview. And it emphasizes that sometimes it's important to dream in utopias and drown in invisible energy fields to come closer to yourself. But don't go too far or you'll lose yourself!

Some dismiss it scientifically, while for others, the 'more' between heaven and earth always lurks, slumbering. Our relationship with it as humans is undeniable. Does it happen only in our brains? Or do we possess 'supernatural' gifts and are perhaps more than just our bodies? Are we extra-physical?

With immersive dance and abstract, floating figures, Josse Vessies brings our own delicate madness close, so we can embrace it (again). Using inflatable objects, Josse creates a tangible dimension of the extra-physical, whose existence we cannot visually deny. A fluid reality of light, air, and foil. Interacting with these floating helium clouds, the dancers move on the edge between poetic object manipulation and radical physical freedom.

A colorful world of abstract forms lies hidden behind our reality. Josse wants to show us that we can trust the strange feelings in and around our bodies. In our hearts and minds, we live between the dream world and rationality. Celebrate this colorful capacity!


Creation & Performance - Josse Vessies Performance - Josse Vessies, Amit Palgi & t.b.a. Inflatables & Scenografie - Bambi van Baalen Sound Design - Amédée de Murcia Dramaturgie - Joris van Laak Lichtontwerp - Grischa Runge performance/dans

vr 21 maart
Grote Zaal
Van € 9,00 tot € 18,00
vr 21 maart
Dans, Language no problem
Van € 9,00 tot € 18,00

Over Josse Vessies

Als interdisciplinair maker is Josse vaak op zoek naar manieren om via abstractie en beweging dichtbij de ongrijpbare fenomenen van lichamelijke ervaring te komen. Hij gebruikt hiervoor dans, objecten en nieuwe media technologie. Hiermee probeert hij het denken en het gesprek te openen over minder duidbare ervaringen van het mens-zijn. 

Josse’s visie op objecttheater is ‘neo-materialistisch’. Zo creëert Josse in Extra Physical een wervelstorm van kleurrijke rook, schitterend folie-materiaal geïnspireerd door de esthetiek van astrale werelden, aura’s en maniërisme; het toneel voor het choreografische ritme van extase en val.

Meer over Josse Vessies

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