Kikker Stelt Voor: Digital Ducttape
Kikker Stelt Voor: Digital Ducttape
Kikker Stelt Voor: Digital Ducttape
Kikker Stelt Voor: Digital Ducttape
This performance is in English.
“My phone is like a blank slate. It is taped into my existence. When I see my reflection on the screen, I forget who I am. I decide who I am.”
Digital Ducttape is a labyrinth which celebrates the beauty of the constructable identity. The central idea is that social media can contribute to the propagation of a multitude of identities, to showcase vulnerability and an openness without shame.
While the first two parts of the triptych Some Say Morality Is Negotiable – Puppies for sale and #ShapeME - focused on the alienating, manipulative and negative effects of social media, in Digital Ducttape we recognize and accept the fluidity of our being. We embrace the world of the internet, social media and artificial self-presentation as self-expression.
Based on the idea of - Didi Kreike Artistic Team - Didi Kreike, Sylvia Weening, Nadîja Roza Broekhart Performance - Didi Kreike, Lodewijk van Dijk Choreography - Antonin Comestaz, Arno Verbruggen Dramaturgy & Scenography - Nadîja Roza Broekhart, Sylvia Weening Music, Light & Technical Design - Stefan Julizar Video - Didi Kreike Decor - M met de Zaag Light Advice - Zalán Szakács Scenography Advice - Anne Karin ten Bosch Special thanks to - Leonie Kalkman, Leo Spreksel
About HipSick
HipSick operates at the intersection of performance and installation art. Their work often starts from a fascination with Western visual culture, normativity and the night. Contemporary social topics are approached from different perspectives, decontextualized and abstracted, which results in performances that aim to destabilize the viewer’s perception.