The Students of Utrecht Drama Society presents CAMP!, a comedy written, directed and performed entirely by students. Meet different relatable characters on the first weekend of their student days. In this group, drama and tension is inevitable – especially after one of them suddenly is nowhere to be found…
CAMP! will be performed on 3 July, at 15:00 and 20:00.The performances are in English. Book your tickets by emailing to Tickets are €15,- but for students only €12,50. You don't want to miss this, because, you know, it's CAMP!
About SUDS
The Students of Utrecht Drama Society is a theatre group, founded in 1969, open to any and all students in Utrecht. All plays they perform are made wholly by those students! SUDS performs two big shows per year, in March the One Act Festival which showcases several short plays, and in July one longer play. SUDS gives students a place where everyone is welcome and where their creativity flows freely.